
The question of whether Zen is at least partially informed by faith, or whether it's a philosophy, or whether it is, as Alan Watts thought of Buddhism, a type of psychotherapy, is important for this post, but the question is, nonetheless, beyond it.


Kerouac’s detachment ultimately failed for the same reason Salinger’s did: It stemmed from the metaphysical system of the Oriental religions rather than love. Kerouac embraced the detachment of Buddhism. Although he never completely deserted his native Roman Catholicism, Kerouac was infatuated with Buddhism. He saturated many of his books, like The Dharma Bums,with Buddhist themes. He practiced dhyana, Buddhist meditation. He at times took vows to lead a Buddhist life. In one vow, he promised to limit his sexual activity to masturbation (apparently his idea of austerity), another time he vowed to eat only one meal per day and to write about nothing but Buddhism. He at times exclaimed, “I am Buddha”—a real possibility, given the metaphysics of Buddhism—and once asked D. T. Suzuki (a famous Zen master) if he could spend the rest of his life with him.

Read more:http://www.touchstonemag.com/archives/article.php?id=13-08-028-f#ixzz3Rp1KiuY8


The Third Vehicle

My third main vehicle is Gamco Gold: GGN.